Software Enginering SIG

The Software Engineering Special Interest Group (SIG) is a network where industry and academia meet for formal lectures and informal discussion about different topics of interest within software engineering, including topics such as architecture, testing and emerging technologies.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Guest lecture (16/4): Textual model representations in Eclipse using TEF

Models are abstract descriptions of a system. What is relevant information and what is not often depends on the concrete task to be performed on the model (editing, analysis, discussion, simulation). Different views of a model require different concrete representations. This lecture will show and discuss different techniques to separate models from their concrete textual representation, based on the Model-View-Controller pattern. We will use a tool (TEF) that allows to create semantically rich Eclipse text editors for different concrete syntaxes of the same meta-model.

The lecture will take place 16th of April at 09:00 (AUD C at AUC, Kampus Grimstad), with a one hour short intro to the subject followed by a 1,5 hour in-depth description. Afterwards there will be a hands on tutorial on the tool TEF (approximately two hours).

The lecture will be given by Markus Scheidgen which is currently pursuing his Phd on the use of object-oriented meta-modelling in language and language tool development at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

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